Monday, October 14, 2013

One adventure after the next

So much has happened in the past week.... I took my first exam last Monday and was generously rewarded by going White Water Rafting down the Nile River the following day! It was a mix of nerves and excitement going white water rafting for my very first time. I managed to stay on board the raft the whole time though we had many close encounters with flipping the raft over. 
Thought I was going to fall out at this point after crashing into a giant wave

 Paddling hard through the rapids with our guide Henry
Enjoying a leisure paddle ride through the rapids!

Later in the week on Thursday I had my second community health clinical in the village of Kalagala with my partner who is a native Ugandan studying nursing at UCU. My partner and I got to see our community  health family make the improvements to their living conditions by dedicating their time towards our advice.

Here's two pictures of my UCU nursing partner with the mother and daughter from the village.

The following morning, Friday, we loaded up our things and went on our way back to Mable for our second home stay. We made a brief stop at a Chinese restaurant and to all of our surprise it was one of the best meals we've had yet! After arriving to the guesthouse at Mission Moving Mountains to drop off some of our belongings we headed off to our home stays. I decided to return to the same home stay in Northern Uganda that I was at before. I was so thankful for the opportunity to go back and felt so welcomed by the community to be back "home." My host father was so gracious. I was able to see his farm, hike up Mount Elgon for a second time and enjoy the view from the cave and river/waterfall, slaughter my first chicken, admire the sky full of stars, play with all the children, and drink so many cups of delicious authentic milk tea with Chapatti!!

After the home stay, the nursing crew and I enjoyed delicious meals at MMM with french toast for breakfast and spaghetti with cornbread for dinner! During the day we "chillaxed" by the pool at a nearby hotel before going to a pastor's house who graciously invited us all over for tea and snacks. Now I am back to UCU campus trying to get back into the swing of things with not just mounds of laundry to do but also mounds of homework to accomplish.